tracing an impulse trail

Level I:       How to trace activity in the nervous system

Backdrop: The nervous system, within the body’s tissue, the nervous system circuitry is made up of neuron groups (specialized neurons in groups, with branches that reach to succeeding neuron group(s)) linked together to form a circuitry, with sub-circuits, from the body’s periphery to the brain and back

We’ll add (harness) energy to this backdrop and see how a trail of impulses is generated through the circuits of the nervous system …

As we follow impulsing through the circuits, we can infer: as impulse trails diverge and converge they do specific monitoring and resolving work, some of which we can relate to

  1. The nervous system’s sensory neuron groups are exposed to many forms of energy. When a sensory group absorbs a form of energy from the body or environment … pressure, light or sound waves or chemicals for example … a pattern of the sensory group’s neuron is energized
  1. That pattern of neurons translates the absorbed energy into another form of energy … the elector-chemical energy we call impulses
  1. As the incoming energy changes the character of this neuron group, a pattern of impulses is generated to the next linked neuron group in the intricate diverging and converging pathways that makeup the nervous system
  1. When the next group absorbs that pattern of impulses and changes character, a pattern of its neurons are energized … and it too, expresses its new character onward by generating a pattern of impulses onward

This is an evolving impulse trail! impulsing

  1. Then, when a neuron group gets incoming impulse patterns that energy the same pattern, a resolution is formed
  1. In following impulsing from the periphery inward … as it meets at common more centrally located neuron groups, we can infer that the primary work of the system is to monitor and resolve
  1. Then, when a neuron group gets incoming impulse patterns that energy the same pattern of neuron in a group, this (doubly energized) reinforced pattern of energized neurons generates a stronger impulse pattern onward – thereby strongly sustaining the impulse trail in the circuitry.  As we follow impulsing through the circuits, we can infer: as impulse trails diverge and converge they do specific monitoring and resolving work, some of which we can relate to
  1. Therefore monitoring and converging energy supports ongoing work in this system: with different work being done as different areas of the circuitry are energized … to monitor and resolve incoming impulse patterns
  1. Next: As these areas are energized we can relate to the work done in an inner circuitry of four linked areas called the conscious pathways

Next, we’ll start to see what following impulses in the nervous system can show you …

  1. And we’ll see how the ongoing monitoring and resolving work reflects healthy functioning in support of the body, which we experience in the conscious pathways


Notes: we’ll see a pattern of impulses jump from group to group … forming a trail of impulses through a series of neuron groups in the nervous system

about absorbing energy from the body and environment and generating trails … of concentrated energy through the system’s circuits – from group to group … forming a lightening-like series of energized neuron groups …an impulse trail / impulsing … so, as  patterns of energy is transferred from group to group– it forms a series of energized neuron groups … a lightening-like impulse trail

— as energy is absorbed and translated …when impulse patterns converge on the same pattern of neurons in a group,a resolution is formed and the reinforced pattern generates a stronger impulse trail onward, so converging patterns of energy keep impulsing self-sustaining – as new resolutions reinforced evolving impulse trails